Keep Calm and Carnegie On

Every week, I take our children to music class. My son Luke’s favorite song right now is “Train is a Comin’” and we sing and dance to it almost daily. The refrain of the song is, “Train is a comin’, oh yeah!”
Today we’re announcing that change is a comin’ – and we think the change will have you saying, “Oh yeah!”
First, some background.
About a year and a half ago, my colleague Nathan Czubaj suggested that I start writing a weekly article for our graduates and friends. I pushed back on the idea since I was concerned people would be upset about getting a weekly email.
I was wrong.
Since the weekly updates began, I’ve barely been able to keep up with the kind notes from many of you and still balance my other responsibilities. Earlier this year, we got to thinking that we should make this a bigger part of my role and also offer even more to support your development.
What’s New
We’re announcing today that in addition to these email weekly updates, I am also now hosting a daily Carnegie Coach podcast, providing Dale Carnegie’s inspiration for leadership, communication, and engagement. The show posts Tuesday through Friday and is a brief, 5–10 minute audio, addressing a topic of value to you.
The podcast was launched earlier this month and has already been listed as a top career podcast on iTunes. Beginning next week, the weekly email update email will also include a link to each of the most recent shows.
The goal of the Carnegie Coach podcast is to be of immediate practical value to you. If you have a question and want me to address it on a future episode, please email it to Already, I’ve produced shows with questions from early feedback. Here’s one recent example onHow to Get Feedback from Your Team.
If you already listen to other podcasts, you can also subscribe directly to the show via iTunes at this link, via Stitcher at this link, or just search for it on whatever podcast app you currently use. We encourage your to share it with others as well, whether they are Dale Carnegie graduates or not.
What’s Improving
We’re renaming this weekly email update to be the Weekly Coaching Guide, to better reflect what you’ve told us that you receive from these emails. You’ll also see a new Carnegie Coach look and feel, starting next week.
Also beginning next week, three additional improvements:
First, the Weekly Coaching Guides will move to Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays. This will get you valuable information earlier in the week for better use in your daily work.
Second, we’re migrating to a new system so the emails you receive will be mobile responsive. This will provide better viewing on smartphones and tablets, for easier reading and listening on the go.
Finally, for the first time, we’re opening subscriptions to this weekly email to people off site. If you’ve ever wanted colleagues, friends, or family members to benefit from Dale Carnegie’s wisdom, kindly direct them and they may now also elect to receive these Weekly Coaching Guides.
What’s Stays The Same
Like always, the Weekly Coaching Guides will continue to be written and sent by me, and help provide you with information that will support your ongoing development, whether you’ve attended a course with us or not.
You don’t need to do anything except to watch for the new and improved Weekly Coaching Guide and podcast audio links next Tuesday in your inbox.
This Train Departs Tuesday, November 18th
Starting Tuesday, the Carnegie Coach train leaves the station. Watch then for the Weekly Coaching Guide. We hope you’ll stick with us on this journey.
Oh yeah!