5 Steps for a Talent Development Strategy
After a decade in the training business, I’ve had many meetings with potential clients where the conversation started like this: We need...

Help People Remember Your Name
It’s a noble thing to want to remember other people’s names better. In fact, it’s one of the core skills we teach in the Dale Carnegie...

How to Express an Opinion With Confidence
Have you seen someone make this mistake? You’ve been asked to give input to the customer or team on an important decision. Someone else...

5 Steps to Nail Tough Interview Questions
Last week, a Dale Carnegie Course participant reached out to us and said he was preparing for a big interview. He had received questions...

Assert Your Accomplishments Without Being Arrogant
A few days ago, a colleague and I were discussing why some professionals seem to always excel in their career growth, while many others...

What to Do When You’ve Lost Credibility
A few days ago, a friend emailed me about a problem at their company. One of their senior leaders had done something that lost...

One Sure Way to Be More Authentic
This past weekend I was walking into a building as my daughter slept in the stroller. I came upon a group that was blocking the main...

Do This to Be a Leader
A search on Amazon for the word “leader” returns 478,000 hits. Searching for the word “follower” returns only 28,000. While not everyone...

7 Steps to Resolve Customer Complaints
You just got a nasty call from a customer. They’re upset and want you to immediately handle their issue. What to do? Here are the seven...

The Secret to Remembering Names
I’ve completely lost count of the number of times over the years that I’ve reviewed a description of the Dale Carnegie Course with a new...